本文由本人在 2022-1-21 11:37 发表于 吾爱破解
之前看了《82 岁老人用 Excel 画画,获奖无数还开画展!而你只会做表格》这个故事之后。忽然想到图片由像素构成,excel 的 sheet 由单元格构成,
也就是说:像素 <=> 单元格;
那么我们就可以将图片每个像素的颜色读取出来,并根据像素坐标映射到 excel 对应的单元格中。
而且,python 操作图片以及 excel 的库都比较成熟,应该很好操作
# - * - coding:utf-8 - * -
# 作者:Elias Cheung
# 编写时间:2022/1/20 14:42
import math
from xlwt import *
import xlwings as xw
from PIL import Image
from typing import Tuple
def resize_image(original_pic_path: str, resized_pic_path: str, max_resize_width: int = 256) -> Tuple[str, tuple]:
:param original_pic_path: 【输入】需要转换成excel单元格填充的原始图片A
:param resized_pic_path: 【输出】经过缩放后的图片A
:param max_resize_width: 缩放后图片的最大宽度,由于xlwings限制,不可超过256
img = Image.open(original_pic_path)
img_width, img_height = img.size
# 以max_resize_width为基准比例,计算图片等比缩放后的宽高
resize_width, resize_height = max_resize_width, math.ceil(img_height * max_resize_width / img_width)
# print(resize_width, resize_height)
resized_image = img.resize((resize_width, resize_height))
return resized_pic_path, (resize_width, resize_height)
def pixel_colour(image_path: str, image_size: tuple) -> list:
:param image_path: 经过缩放的图片的路径,可由resize_image()返回
:param image_size: 经过缩放后的图片的宽高,可由resize_image()返回
:return: 每个像素点的rgb点及对应的像素坐标
img = Image.open(image_path)
img = img.convert('RGB')
colour_list = img.load()
img_width, img_height = image_size
pixel_coordinates = [(i, j) for i in range(img_width) for j in range(img_height)]
coordinates_and_colour_to_be_returned = [(colour_list[i, j], (i, j)) for i, j in pixel_coordinates]
return coordinates_and_colour_to_be_returned
def create_excel(size: tuple, cell_width: int=2) -> str:
:param size: excel画布的尺寸
:param cell_width: 每个单元格的宽度,不建议调整,此默认参数可将单个单元格大致调整为正方形
:return: 创建并经过单元格调整的excel路径,默认为当前路径
cell_width = 256 * cell_width
_book = Workbook(encoding="utf - 8")
sheet = _book.add_sheet("picture", cell_overwrite_ok=True)
for i in range(size[0]):
first_col = sheet.col(i)
first_col.width = cell_width
book_name = "picture.xls"
return book_name
def draw_excel(excel: str, colour_and_cord: list):
:param excel: 创建并经过单元格调整的excel路径,默认为当前路径
:param colour_and_cord: 每个单元格的rgb点及对应的像素坐标
app = xw.App(visible=False, add_book=False)
wb = app.books.open(excel)
sht = wb.sheets[0]
for cell_info in colour_and_cord:
r, g, b = cell_info[0]
x, y = cell_info[1]
sht.range((y + 1, x + 1), (y + 1, x + 1)).color = (r, g, b)
except ValueError as e:
# 在超过excel允许的最大列宽时出现此错误,一般由于resize_image()方法max_resize_width参数超过256时导致
print(f"cell index out of range: {e}")
if __name__ in "__main__":
resized = resize_image(original_pic_path="kkk.jpeg", resized_pic_path="kkk.resize.png")
colours = pixel_colour(resized[0], resized[1])
book = create_excel(resized[1])
draw_excel(book, colours)
# 作者:Elias Cheung
# 编写时间:2022/1/20 14:42
import math
from xlwt import *
import xlwings as xw
from PIL import Image
from typing import Tuple
def resize_image(original_pic_path: str, resized_pic_path: str, max_resize_width: int = 256) -> Tuple[str, tuple]:
:param original_pic_path: 【输入】需要转换成excel单元格填充的原始图片A
:param resized_pic_path: 【输出】经过缩放后的图片A
:param max_resize_width: 缩放后图片的最大宽度,由于xlwings限制,不可超过256
img = Image.open(original_pic_path)
img_width, img_height = img.size
# 以max_resize_width为基准比例,计算图片等比缩放后的宽高
resize_width, resize_height = max_resize_width, math.ceil(img_height * max_resize_width / img_width)
# print(resize_width, resize_height)
resized_image = img.resize((resize_width, resize_height))
return resized_pic_path, (resize_width, resize_height)
def pixel_colour(image_path: str, image_size: tuple) -> list:
:param image_path: 经过缩放的图片的路径,可由resize_image()返回
:param image_size: 经过缩放后的图片的宽高,可由resize_image()返回
:return: 每个像素点的rgb点及对应的像素坐标
img = Image.open(image_path)
img = img.convert('RGB')
colour_list = img.load()
img_width, img_height = image_size
pixel_coordinates = [(i, j) for i in range(img_width) for j in range(img_height)]
coordinates_and_colour_to_be_returned = [(colour_list[i, j], (i, j)) for i, j in pixel_coordinates]
return coordinates_and_colour_to_be_returned
def create_excel(size: tuple, cell_width: int=2) -> str:
:param size: excel画布的尺寸
:param cell_width: 每个单元格的宽度,不建议调整,此默认参数可将单个单元格大致调整为正方形
:return: 创建并经过单元格调整的excel路径,默认为当前路径
cell_width = 256 * cell_width
_book = Workbook(encoding="utf - 8")
sheet = _book.add_sheet("picture", cell_overwrite_ok=True)
for i in range(size[0]):
first_col = sheet.col(i)
first_col.width = cell_width
book_name = "picture.xls"
return book_name
def draw_excel(excel: str, colour_and_cord: list):
:param excel: 创建并经过单元格调整的excel路径,默认为当前路径
:param colour_and_cord: 每个单元格的rgb点及对应的像素坐标
app = xw.App(visible=False, add_book=False)
wb = app.books.open(excel)
sht = wb.sheets[0]
for cell_info in colour_and_cord:
r, g, b = cell_info[0]
x, y = cell_info[1]
sht.range((y + 1, x + 1), (y + 1, x + 1)).color = (r, g, b)
except ValueError as e:
# 在超过excel允许的最大列宽时出现此错误,一般由于resize_image()方法max_resize_width参数超过256时导致
print(f"cell index out of range: {e}")
if __name__ in "__main__":
resized = resize_image(original_pic_path="kkk.jpeg", resized_pic_path="kkk.resize.png")
colours = pixel_colour(resized[0], resized[1])
book = create_excel(resized[1])
draw_excel(book, colours)